How to teach children to work with cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies are, for many, the payment medium of the future and several governments have either introduced or are considering introducing their own digital money. It is therefore important to teach children how to use this technology.

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The key is to start simply, by using different examples to pique their curiosity, while also emphasizing security, which is very important in the world of cryptocurrencies. Teaching children about cryptocurrencies is a great way to introduce them to the world of finance and technology. Below, we'll take a look at a few interactive methods that can be used.

Basics and analogies

We need to start by defining and describing the very nature of money. Children will quickly understand that money can buy many things, but they need to be informed about the different types of money, and how banks work. Start by teaching them about the origins of money, from paper to digital.

By providing analogies, even more complex concepts can be explained so that children understand. For example, explain that cryptocurrencies are actually 'digital money' or 'internet money,' and compare this to the traditional money they already know about, and can physically own.

Playing games and real-life examples

Gaming is sometimes used in modern education as a method of making learning entertaining. In addition to several board games, many online games that simulate the buying and selling of cryptocurrencies are available for teaching children about cryptocurrency.

Another option is to play games using real-life examples to help children understand how cryptocurrencies work.

An example is a number guessing game, where you pick a secret number between 1 and 100 and the child tries to guess what number it is. For each of their attempts, give them a clue to help them get closer to the secret number. Then, ask the child to pretend that each bitcoin represents a special number with a high value. Explain to them that everyone is trying to find this number, and whoever finds it, gets to keep it, but they must keep looking until they do. This is similar to a regular number guessing game.

Of course, it should be explained that finding the correct bitcoin number is very difficult, as it is constantly changing.

Continue the number guessing game and explain to the child that if they find the correct number, they will receive 1 BTC as a reward. If the value of this BTC increases overnight, the child will have more money than when they received it. BTC is only an example here; of course, you can use other cryptocurrencies as well.

Blockchain is like a lego building block

You can describe the principle of blockchain to children as a digital building block that is used to keep track of things. Instead of building towers or houses out of a lego kit, the kit is used to track blockchain transactions.

Show kids how to buy cryptocurrencies

Use a game that involves trading cryptocurrencies and go through tutorials with your child, which explain how to buy cryptocurrencies. Tell the child that it is important to have an account on a verified crypto exchange and explain that you need ‘real’ (fiat) money to trade.

In the game, they can use fake money to buy cryptocurrencies and confirm transactions, just like real trading. Once they have bought the cryptocurrency, tell them to watch the price rise or fall. It is important to warn them that if the price of the cryptocurrency they have bought goes down, they may lose their money and, conversely, if the price goes up, they will make money.

You can also use a board game in which children buy and sell items with cryptocurrencies. This will teach them to understand the concept of buying and selling but also show them the risks and rewards that can occur when investing in cryptocurrencies.

Software wallet = special cash box

Children may ask the question of where to store the cryptocurrencies they have purchased. Explain to them that cryptocurrencies are stored in a special digital piggy bank from which they can withdraw their coins anywhere in the world, or use them to make online purchases.

Educational videos

The internet is full of educational videos that explain the principle of cryptocurrencies in a way that is fun and easy for children to understand. You can watch the videos with your child and use them as a starting point for discussion. In addition, the videos are very helpful in visualizing more complex concepts such as how blockchains work, which can be used to understand the technology more quickly.

Whichever method(s) you use to bring children into the world of cryptocurrencies, you need to take things slowly and not go too hard. First and foremost, as a parent, you need to have a passion for the technology yourself, and be able to talk about it in a way that will motivate your child to want to learn more.


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Jakub Odvářka


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